Cardiovascular Equipment (20 pieces and adding)
6 Star Trac Treadmills
7 Eliptical Trainers (5 Precors, 1 Life Fitness, 1 Reebok)
3 Stairmaster Stairsteppers (including a Stepmill)
3 Recumbent Bikes (2 recumbant and 1 upright)
Hand Ergometer (for mobility challenged clients)
Selectorize Weight Resistance Machines (30 pieces and adding)
Nautilus (Abdominal, Rotary Torso, Super Pullover, Abduction/Adduction, Dual Chest, Lateral Raise, Leg Extension, Leg Curl, Compound Row, Bench Press, Leg Press, Calve)
Body Master (Abdominal Crunch, Abdominal 220, Glute Trainer, Standing Leg Curl)
Cybex (Assisted Dip/Chin, Smith Machine, 45 Degree Calve Press)
Maxicam (Preacher Curl, Low Back, Shoulder Press, Lat Pull)
Life Fitness (Lat Pull, High/Low Cable, Pectoral Fly/Rear Delt, Multi-Hip)
Universal (Power Squat/Calve, Leg Curl)
Hammer Strength (Seated Leg Curl)
Muscle Max (Horizontal Leg Press)
Paramount (Seated Calve)
Free Weights
2 Olympic Flat Benches
2 Olympic Incline Benches
Decline Bench
Military Bench
Squat Rack
Body Master Leg Press
Icarian Hack Squat
2 Smith Machines
Over 1,000 Lbs. of Olympic Plates
Dumbbells 2-110lbs.